你选择安娜堡康考迪亚大学有很多原因:你想要一个良好的教育, 它提供了一个根植于路德教义的基督教基础. 你喜欢美丽的校园和参与课外活动的能力. 你很兴奋能在人生的新篇章中留下自己的印记!

CUAA宿舍生活的工作人员在这里帮助你顺利过渡到校园,这样你就可以享受所有这些东西. 我们整理了一份住宿生活清单,其中包含了需要知道的信息和方便的提示,以帮助您正确进入事物的摇摆.

We’ll see you on campus!

Check-in checklist

  1. 按照指示走到校园正确的一边,填写文件,并接受下一步该做什么的指示.
  2. Pick up your Student ID.
  3. 带着正规赌博十大网站学生证到宿舍一楼的RA工作人员处报到. 拿起正规赌博十大网站钥匙,房间状况清单和其他材料.
  4. Read your RCI (Room Condition Inventory). 这说明了你搬进来的时候房间里物品的状况. 检查您的房间,看看是否有任何差异之间的RCI和房间的实际情况. If there are, 请在RCI上注明,以确保您在退房时不会对预先存在的损害承担经济责任.
  5. Park your vehicle in the grass nearest your hall. Campus Safety and Student Leaders will be there to guide you.
  6. 一旦你卸下正规赌博十大网站车,把它移到离大楼更近的地方,为其他学生腾出空间.
  7. Last step! Finish move-in by bringing your belongings to your room, getting settled in, and celebrate your new year at CUAA!

Move-In Dates 2023

  • 8月2日,星期三——排球、男子和女子足球:上午9:00.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • 8月7日星期一-足球新生:上午9:00 - 11:00;足球回归者:上午11:00 -下午1:00
  • 星期二,8月15日-舞蹈,欢呼和越野:上午9:00 -下午12:00
  • Sunday, August 20th – Transition Leaders: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • 8月24日(星期四)-新生入住:上午9:00至下午12:00
  • 8月26日星期六-返校学生入住:上午9:00 -下午3:00

Questions? Contact the Director of Residence Life, James.Wyly@vig2.net.

Tried-and-true moving tips

  • Pack medium-sized boxes and don’t make them too heavy. Your back will thank you.
  • 带一辆手推车或手推车来堆放箱子,使每次旅行更有效率.
  • 找个强壮的帮手帮你从车里卸下来,把正规赌博十大网站东西迅速送到正规赌博十大网站房间.
  • Bring your patience! 我们的工作人员会在每一栋楼里尽可能快地处理事情, but sometimes it’s a slow process. Check weather forecasts and plan accordingly. 带上雨伞和塑料覆盖物,以防天气不好.

RAs – We’re here for you!

知道该去哪里,该和谁说话,会让一切变得不同. 当你住在校园里时,有一群重要的人将发挥至关重要的作用,那就是住宿助理.

  • Your Resident Assistants (RAs) have your back. You’ll meet your RA on move-in day, 他或她将在整个学年帮助你解决任何关于适应大学生活的问题.
  • You’ll also get help from Student Leaders. 在搬家那天,他们会联合起来,穿相配的衬衫,寻找机会帮助你. 他们会指引你到正确的地点,并帮你搬箱子.

Connecting with your roommate


根据我们收到他们完成的住房协议和300美元押金的日期,新学生将被分配住房. 室友是根据在住房申请中的室友匹配中输入的自我报告偏好分配的. 而居住生活尽一切努力将要求的室友放在一起, due to the high demand for housing, we do not guarantee roommate requests.

Living with a roommate can enhance your college experience. 我们鼓励您在收到新室友的信息后与他们联系. Decide who will bring the TV, snacks, and more. 谈谈你将如何装饰正规赌博十大网站房间或阁楼/上下铺正规赌博十大网站床来创造更多的空间.

如果你没有收到正规赌博十大网站第一选择在宿舍或室友, you may apply for a room change once you arrive on campus. 这些变化将在秋季学期的前两周和空间可用的基础上进行考虑. (One change per year, please.)

Nervous about your first conversation with your roommate? Try to relax and keep an open mind. Expect that there will be differences between you as people. 谈话最重要的目标应该是与对方建立良好的沟通,这样当你搬进来的那一天到来时,你就有了一个基础. If you don’t hit it off right away, don’t give up. 努力建立一段关系是非常有益的. Remember, our Residence Life staff is here to help!

Getting plugged in


my.vig2.net is our web portal that provides single sign in web services. All registered students have access to course information, library, campus life, Onecard, email, and more – anytime, anywhere.

Each student is given a vig2.net email account. 这个功能丰富的帐户是在微软服务器上设置的,可以链接到一个Live帐户,以获得像单点登录到您的个人计算机这样的资源, Skydrive and more.

The 3 P’s: Personal property protection


  • If your property is not already covered by insurance, 购买在校期间的保险是明智的.
  • Lock your room every time you leave and while you sleep.
  • Do not lend your room key or to anyone. Doing so is a violation of the Student Conduct Code.
  • Limit valuables in your room. 记录你带到学校的贵重物品的序列号和制造/型号信息.
  • 校园安全办公室提供雕刻工具,供您用于标记您的贵重物品.
  • Store valuables out of sight.
  • Lock your bike and register it with Campus Safety.

Items of note

International students: If you are an international student, fall athlete or participating in a music group on campus, 您将收到关于您提前入住的额外信件.

Cancellations: 如果计划改变,你将不会参加秋季学期或你改变主意,住在校园里, you must notify both 住宿生活和入学申请,单独和书面形式(电子邮件,传真或信件最好). 《正规赌博十大网站》在整个学年有效. 在大多数情况下,取消您的协议将导致经济处罚 .

Contact us!

我们来这里是为了帮助你在校园里度过尽可能美好的时光. Please stop in to our offices, or send us an email: reslife@vig2.net.